21 juli: Online tocht door de Israëlische samenleving en invloedssfeer

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Vr Jul 16 14:51:47 CEST 2021

Op 21 juli organiseren de Israëlische vredesorganisatie New Profile en de reisorganisatie Green Olive Collective en online tocht door Israël, zijn samenleving en zijn invloedssfeer. De focus ligt op de militarisering die je daar aantreft.

Green Olive Collective is an alternative & political tour company, that combines business enterprise with advocacy for human rights and democracy. New Profile is a feminist movement resisting militarism in Israeli society. On July 21st, we will be joining forces for a special event - an online tour focusing on the militarization of space, inside Israel and on its borders.
The occupied territory beyond the Green Line is full of checkpoints, walls and army bases. But this militarism originates from deep inside Israel, and permeates all parts of Jewish Israeli society. How does this situation shape society itself? And what are the aspects of it visible in civil spaces?
In this 90 minute event, New Profile will introduce its work: we believe that the militarism embedded in all aspects of Israeli society exacerbates violence, racism and sexism, whilst weakening civilian and democratic values. Afterwards, Green Olive will take us on a virtual tour all over the country, to explore how and where the military influence is most visible.
We'll address questions like, what are the militarist norms in Israeli society? How are militarization processes embedded in education, culture and everyday life? And how do young Israelis who wish to avoid military service handle this reality? There will be time for audience questions, and registration for the event is free - but you are encouraged to contribute whatever you felt it was worth at the end.
The credit for the title "Mili-Tourism" goes to feminist anti-militarist activists from Turkey, who coined it for the first time. The entire event will be conducted in English - we'll be thrilled if you tell your international friends.
This is the facebook event:
Registration is necessary:
https://greenolivetours.com/online-tours/militourism-online-event/ (https://greenolivetours.com/online-tours/militourism-online-event/)
Datum: 21 juli 2021
Tijd: 19 uur

Bron: WRI (http://www.wri-irg.org)

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