[Duurzaamlijst] Vandana Shiva in Noorwegen en Nederland

Linda Coenen linda op aseed.net
Di Nov 16 18:04:59 CET 2010

Beste lezer,

Komende zaterdag zal de Indiase wetenschapper en anti-biotech activist
Vandana Shiva de internationale Monsanto Divestment Campagne lanceren
tijdens het Noorse Sociale Forum (zie hieronder Engelstalige persbericht).
Maandag komt ze naar Nederland en zal spreken op het symposium Zaad is
ons cultureel erfgoed, van St Zaadgoed en Biologica (helaas vol, meer
info http://www.biologica.nl/content/symposium-zaad-ons-cultureel-erfgoed).
Op dinsdag neemt ze deel aan het debat "het gevecht om de voedselgenen"
in De Rode Hoed in Amsterdam, onderdeel van de reeks "De prijs van ons
voedsel" (meer info:
http://www.rodehoed.nl/nl/programma_details.php?id=907, reserveer snel,
nog enkele kaarten).
Vriendelijke groet,
Linda Coenen
Aseed Europe


OSLO, 20 NOVEMBER 2010 16:00-18:00 FOLKETS HUS

The renowned physicist, eco-feminist and veteran activist Dr. Vandana
Shiva, will be a key speaker at the Norwegian Social Forum where she
will introduce the global divestment campaign against the giant
multinational corporation Monsanto - ranked last in the Covalence
Ethical Index.
Dr. Shiva last visited Oslo in May speaking at the launch of the grass
roots campaign calling on the Norwegian Government to divest its Oil
Fund investment in Monsanto. The Oil Fund owns 1,09% of Monsanto, which
has a near monopoly on Genetically Manipulated Organisms (GMOs)
worldwide. The Oil Fund has remained invested in this company despite
there being a Norwegian Gene Technology Act from 1993 which bans GMOs in 
Norway, and despite the Council on Ethics advising the Ministry of
Finance to divest in November 2006.
Vandana Shiva has worked tirelessly for decades to combat Monsanto´s
destructive impact on the small farmers of her home country, India and
to stop Monsanto´s monopolization of the world’s food, seeds and
animals. She will use this event to announce the expansion of the
Norwegian divestment movement into an international initiative,
gathering the many victories against Monsanto around the world into a
coordinated global campaign. The aim will be:
1.     To bring together the many organizations that have worked on
combatting the destructive impacts that Monsanto’s aggressive policies
have on biodiversity and on farmers’ lives in their individual
communities and communities at large into a coordinated international
boycott movement.
2.      To gather the scientific research that has been building up over
the years that shows the detrimental effects that Monsanto´s business
strategy has on biodiversity and agricultural sustainability, our health
and the health of the planet, and on our food democracy.
3.     To lobby governments, hedge funds and banks to divest from Monsanto.
We invite everyone and those in positions of power who are concerned
about the future of our food and who want to save what is left of the
worlds biodiversity to come to hear Dr. Vandana Shiva on the 20th
November at Folkets Hus 16:00-18:00 where she will cover these and many
more issues surrounding the major challenges to farmers and food
security worldwide.
For more info see http://www.globalisering.no/Program/index.html or
email andrew op socrith.org

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